12-27-2005, 04:50 PM
For my 18th b/day, my brother took me to a bar with a buddy of his to meet up with some girls. Turns out we all hooked up with them, took them back to a motel room, and fucked all 3.
If was quite a sight now that i look back on it. They took the mattress off the bed and placed it on the flloor. My brother got the box spring, his buddy got the mattress, and i got the floor with the big blanket. While i was fucking my girl, i got kicked in the head by my brothers friend. Later, when the girls left, Frank apologized for the kick saying he went down to eat his girl when he knocked me in the head. Oh, we laughed like hell afterwards then got breakfast at a diner. I never saw that girl again.
The world is my urinal