Thread: Gamecube games
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Default 12-27-2005, 09:22 PM

I bought (ordered) since every bestbuy was fucking out of every gamecube game except for Gun, American Chopper and Pokemon (PS2 and xbawk games were chocked full of shit)

Resident Evil 4
Need For Speed Most Wanted
Super Monkey Ball 2

I also went to Meijer(store like walmart) earlier because they had 25% off all videogame accesories and bought this

Im not one to buy 3rd party memory cards(Ive had shitty ones in the past)
but When I asked the guy to get it out of the case they were all in a little plastic display rack that said 19.99. I took it to the check out and it rings up 29.99 -7.50(25% off) for 22.49 I tell the cashier well they are back in the glass case for $19.99 before the 25% off and shes like " I can give it to you for $19.99 but not with the 25% off. I say Fine and pay.

I then walked right over to customer service, told the guy "look this thing was back there IN THE GLASS CASE where your associates put them in the 19.99 space, not where a customer accidentally put it" and I expected to pay 19.99 - the 25% off..He looked at the ad and said alright no prob. so I paid 15 bucks for a 30 dollar super card rock: rock:

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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