08-31-2002, 02:37 AM
Whatever Pyro. You know what my response would be, so i'm not going to say anything.
But this one time at a Stamps game they were giving away buckets of KFC chicken like they always do and i ran out after the KFC kid. I was screaming at him and i sorta lost my ballance and pretty mucch bodychecked him into this concrete wall. The kid was like 12 and I was probably 16 or so. I said sorry and he kinda looked at me weird and ran off. He didn't even give me the chicken. cry: cry:
In the same game this guy sucker punched another guy right in the back of the head anf then like 3 of his friends jumped on him and started pounding him for some reason. The guy was bleeding pretty bad and the guys went and sat back down in their seats. So the cops come and they ask everyone who did this. Everyone in the stands pretty much point to these group of guys who act all innocent. It was pretty funny.