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Medal of Honor: Reload
Cpt.John H Miller is Offline
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Default Medal of Honor: Reload - 08-31-2002, 10:30 AM

THE ORIGINALJedi Knight, Half-Life and more recently Ghost Recon all have one thing in common over and above the simple fact that they are great First Person Shooters. All have been incredibly succesful of course, all have received the obligatory expansion pack, but in all three cases thier resective add-ons have provided a hole lot more just a collection of disparate and hastily constructed of levels. In the case of Myserty Of The Sith, LucasArts reached deep into Star wars universe and offered an experience far more involving that the original game. Opposing Force turned Half-Life on its head, twisting the forcus of the central charaters, and Desert Siege simply improved the orginal game in every respect.
Reload, the first add-on for the inspired Medal Of Honor, hopes to follow in the footsteps of these classic expansions and porve that even gaming perfection(relatively speaking) can be improved upon.
Certainly the developers have difficult task on thier hands. After all, how do you better the game that put a bullet between the eyes of Half-Life, the game that set the benchmark for first-person action for three years?Well, for starters, Reload will introduce a new charater, Us Airborn sergent Jack Barnes. As Barnes, you begin your ninemission tour of duty the night before Allied Assaults's infamous Omaha Beach landing, as you and your Band of Brothers parachute behind German lines to disrupt Nazi communications before the big day.
As some of you will know, the night before was almost as disastorus for the US Army as the day after, and if the developers manage to convey the confusion and carnage only half as succesfully as they did for MOH's Omaha Beachlevel we should be in for a treat.
After thats it's off to a seemingly cushy posting in Belgium where without warning Germany luached a desperate conuter-attack through the Ardennes Forest in what has become known as the Battle Of The Bulge. Up agianst crack SS stormtroopers and the new King Tiger tanks, the US forces would have been completey routed if it werent for the weather and the Germans' lack of fuel.
Things wont get any easier when you join up with the soviets either, as they begin thier final advance on Berlin. Heavy street fighting is promisied, although if realism is adhered to you exspect to be up against dogs strapped with exsplosives and 14-year old boys hastily conscripted into Hitlers Youth. We even be allowed to drive a Russian T-34 tank into the burning Reichstag.
EA isn't scrimping on the multiplayer game eithier. At least ten new multiplayer maps are under constrution, with an equal amount of fan made levels under consideration. As well as traditional deathmatch, assault and team deathmatch modes, we're also promised new multiplayer options, the rumour being vechiles may be involed. Whatever the case, if Ea delivers only half of what they promise, the end of the war can't come soon enough.
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