Originally Posted by r3mix
yeah gets kinda confusing dont it.
i mean you can download your "ch33taz" fluro skins from aa.com but if you post on their forums about how great it is to ch33t and kill people on the other side of the map in pitch black surroundings everyone get on your case
I think it's important to point out that this site is supposed to be a resource of useful information and tools for MOH and the forum is merely a place to discuss these things. Everyone has their opinion and should be granted the respect to express as such. If Dodd were to exclude skins because ppl on his forum said they were cheap, then he would be doing the community an unjustice by holding back. Remember, this site is hosted and maintained by someone providing a free service to the MOH community and the overall content of this service is legit. Not to mention his valuable time that he's lending to all of us for this service. And you should also note that none of the moderators or the site condone any cheating and even take steps to provide admins a way to prevent this.
Don't mind me, just lending my $.02 and playing Devil's advocate. I'd just rather people were more appreciative of something they get for nothing then blast it for a few mistakes here and there.