Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by Blase
Very seldomly, once a month mabye.
gg bloodtest. Now you can't join the force for Miami Vice!!!!!!!111 biggrin:
If he only smokes once a month the marijuana is out of his system in 3-7 days.
I too prefer not to get into this subject because it's like me arguing with a prep about music, most of the time people don't do their research and just assume things, so it's annoying. I try to smoke maybe once a week, but I keep it on the weekends unless I need to get some sleep. Whoever said it fucks with your brain read the wrong .gov website.
Originally Posted by Headup
the us oculd easily put the "terrorists" out of business if pot was legalized, but then again, i dont think terrorists are connected to pot at all, but other hard drugs like south american cocaine or afghani heroin....
Unless that kid you buy pot from down the street happens to be connected to a terrorist group I would say they don't.