Originally Posted by Trunks
what makes you say that mad? It certainly won't help the Israeli-Palestinian situation if the man who was really trying to make some progress dies.
cause im tired and i think the world is tired of all this middle east shit. now that arafat is dead, there should be some real progress in terms of moving forward with making peace and creating a palestinian state (which is retarded because muslim countries outnumber israel 10:1) i think israel should make more concessions than it has because they are the new residents of that area. They have a right to exist, but they kicked out alot of people when they made those settlements. Sharon did make some progress, but it looks like the same cat and mouse case with him as it was when arafat was in power. he gives a little (closes settlements) and then he over reacts when someone shoots a rocket over the fence. he needs to chill the fuck out and let the new palastinian PM do his thing.
i just think its time for new blood on both sides. there are too many old timers running the show.