08-31-2002, 01:37 PM
First off, when did I say Toronto sucked? I didn't. I don't really have a problem with eastern teams, its just that i'd rather cheer for a western team, since i'm fomr the west.
But I do know why Westerners don't like to cheer for easterners.
I'm sure you already know this but i'll tell you anyway.
It really doesn't have anything to do with sports at all.
It has to do with politics and power.
Liberals always win in elections. Westerns don't like that. Because of you population you guys always win. The rest of canada doesn't think its really fair that way. The west has different interests than the east but we never get any political attention. We always have to live with a Ontario or Quebec PM who tends to those provinces needs.
And the fact that Ontario is looked upon in the world stage. We just feel that Toronto is not all that Canada has to offer. Toronto doesn't represent Canada. It only represents Tornoto. Nothing more.
This in turn flows over to the sports stage.
Hope that makes a little sense.
And to tell you th truth, when Toronto was the last Canadian team, I did cheer for them. May as well. I'm not against them, i'd rather cheer for them than an American team. But i'd rather cheer for my home team first.