08-31-2002, 07:32 PM
Yeah the new stuff they're releasing is crap, esp eminem he is just old and used up, same with ms. spears, she said she will be going away on vacation, i hope she goes away permenently. The hives and the vines are cool, but i think becuase of them the evolution of rock music is taking a step backwards, but still they are way better than most of the crap being put out today. Same with rap.. well without 2pac rap just isn't the same anymore, DMX was cool too, but nelly, ja rule, ludicris, popa diddy pop, jay z and lil bow wow have just ruined the genre. The only bands out there that have talent but yet are getting the success they deserve are: Nickleback, Swollen Memebers, System of a Down and No Doubt, these bands have been around fora long time and it just does me proud to see these talented musicians make it. Anywho, im pretty sure im an not the only one feeling thar boy bands, pop queens, squeaky clean punk bands, and shady urban characters are ruining the minds of many kids. That is all i have to say. [url=http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/audio/mid1/Metallica-entersandman.mid:882a6]GOO![/url:882a6], sorry just had to add that.