01-13-2006, 01:46 PM
I think -- but of course I could be 100% wrong -- that it's just CGI debris blowing about (from wind possibly, and the engine/s was/were still running sucking/blowing) to add to the feeling of destruction and mayhem.
I'm going to add something unrelated but it could be considered a spoiler if it turns out to be true, so I'll stick it in small text....
There was/is a theory that Jin and Sun are indirectly linked to Dharma via Mr.Paik, Sun's Dad. I can't remember the details (I'll try to find the thread I read it on) but there is an island on the TV monitors in Mr.Paik's office in "In Translation" [url=http://lost-media.com/modules/coppermine/albums/ep-caps/season1/1x17-intranslation/in-translation006.jpg:91a47]link[/url:91a47] and its profile fits that of our island [url=http://img459.imageshack.us/img459/4733/theislandmrpaik7vo.jpg:91a47]link[/url:91a47]. Paik could be an investor in Dharma or something.
But then again, it could be just one of those Lost coincidences; like Hurley on the TV when Jin went to give that "message" to that minister guy. Or Sayid appearing on the TV in the background of the recruitment office when Kate went to see her Dad. Or Hurley’s boss at the fast food place eventually becoming Locke’s boss at the box company (The very same box company that Hurley owns). Who knows?!?!??!