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(5th)Captain Rodriguez is Offline
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Posts: 132
Join Date: Jun 2002
Default 08-31-2002, 10:11 PM

My best score ever on destroyed villiage is 100-19. It seems there are times when I get in the zone and I don't miss a shot...but that's not often. I prefer to snipe on the tank side...preferibly from the building South of the tank which is right in the middle of the map and allows easy access to shoot both West,ally and East.

The only thing that frustrates me is when there are a ton of machine gunners....but this makes it even more challenging.

Through my countless hours of experience on this map I have become accostumed to where people usually snipe from. I always try to clear an area like a piece at a time.

I feel kinda lame when I kill a newbie who stays still when should never stay still longer then 1 second to shoot....anything else would be uncivilized lol.

To me though I would much prefer bitch slapping someone to death with my me this equals about 20 kills :).
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