Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by M79
Originally Posted by Nyck
Right now I'm addicted to X-Men Legends on Gamecube
(so much so I havent opened up need for speed most wanted or RE4)
I got bored really quick of cod2 it became same shit different day in about a month.
nyck, fuckin....GET LEGENDS 2 DAMNIT!!! oh...this morning i finally beat god of war for ps2.
Damn it I will once I finish the 1st one. Its pretty interesting coming up with the correct teams to finish objectives. Like you might need iceman or jean grey to creat a bridge. Use a physic to move objects, cyclops to weld stuff shut or wolverine just to ruin alot of peoples shit.
i hope you do end up getting it. did you get through the part where you have to rescue 1983027 people on a ship in 2.4 seconds?