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Default 01-14-2006, 09:40 PM

January 19th in History
1793: King Louis XVI sentenced to death by the French Convention
1915: German zeppelins bomb London for the first time in World War I
1942: Japanese forces invade Burma during World War 2
1991: Iraqui Presidential Palace attacked as the Gulf War begins
1992: A new Bulgarian President is elected in the countries first free elections
1993: Israel recognizes PLO

January 19th birthdays
1736: James Watts, Scottish 'steam' inventor
1737: Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, French author
1807: Robert E. Lee, American Civil War general
1809: Edgar Allen Poe, American author and poet
1839: Paul Cézanne, French painter
1943: Janis Joplin, American rock singer
1946: Dolly Parton, US country singer and film actress

E. Lee cool:
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