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Default 01-15-2006, 04:35 PM

Look at the history of nuclear detterence. Did a nuclear war ever occur between Soviet Russia and the U.S, no. Now ask yourself why, because if they started a nuclear war we'd all be dead. It's the exact same situation with Iran going up against Israel. Plus Israel has way more nukes than any other middle eastern country. It may take Iran years to build a bomb and if they do it's for a national identity image. "Yeah we have a bomb don't screw with us" which was the image Soviet Russia and America carried in the Cold War. Look up Mutually Assured Destruction, Nuclear Detterence and look at the key missile conflicts in those years...Then apply it to this situation. Even if they are muslims, give them the benefit of the doubt and don't yell and scream they want a bomb when Israel has more than any other middle east nation..that is more important than anything in this whole debate, the side you are arguing for has more firepower than eveyone else.
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