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Default 01-15-2006, 05:31 PM

anyone notice they arent the Gotti's but the Hotti's.... oOo:

"WaTtTsSs uPpP To EvERy BoDY OuT TheRe... LeT Me JusT CLeaR SoMeThiNg UpP, My LaSt NaMe Is ReALLy HoTTi, I AiNT TryIn TO Be NeBoDY ELse THaTs JusT My LaSt NaMe I Am NoT ITaLiaN I Am ALbaNiAn..nd eVeRyBoDY WiT HoTTi NeXt To THeIr NaMe In My FrIenDs..ThoSe ArE ThEiR LaSt NaMeZ...JuSt HaD To ClEaR ThaT uPp~!!!!CoMMeNt On THe PaGe..GoOdLoOKiN..LaTa"

Ya okay fgt

they have all these sluts saying omg ur so fckin hawt omg.

I have never been more proud of being fat and ugly in my life.

"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans."
- The Joker
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