Originally Posted by elstatec
The US is the only country that has used a nuclear weapon on a mass human target so I do not think "we have the bigger end of stick on this one" as madmargten says is at all a valid argument, maybe if the US got rid of all its nuclear weapons then you would have the bigger end of the stick, but oh hold on a second such a mass militaristic lead country getting rid of its weapons, no way when profit can be made by the companies that manufacture arms. Machette said it perfectly anyway.
But incase you forgot this article posted is about them only seeking nuclear research which isnt the same as a weapon of mass destruction (you know the things that were supposed to be in Iraq)
oh macheet you bitch can you post that gwynne dyer article you mentioned?
you are so naive. You think if the US disarms that the whole world will be a better place. Yeah right, maybe in a perfect world, but you forget to remember that there are bad people who do bad things, stop making everything out to be a world with rainbows and fairies and unicorns, that's not how it is.