Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by Machette
installed the Shah as a dictator back in the 50's which was a highly oppressive regime..the reason you installed him you say? Because the PM before that wanted a cut of the oil profits but you couldn't give it to him, oust him instead and put up a puppet government. As far as history goes before that their was no anti-western hate until Ayatollah khomeini led a justifiable revolt against the Shah and led a anti-western approach in his policies. The CIA term "blowback" comes to my mind in this situation. Read your history before saying it ain't the United State's fault. The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so.
Yes there have been fuck up Yet in your very statement you start off by saying "U.S.A and Britain..." Yet follow up with "The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so."
every single thing that goes wrong everyone wants to jump on the US and pin the blame conviently on them leaving out your own leaders(elstatec)
Like machette said = Britain came to U.S.A saying how they were worried, but the U.S did everything.
As an example the UK supported the US in Iraq, but before were pushing Bush not to invade like he did and make him go through the UN, this will probaly be the situation again here if Bush gets impatient.
And unlike you i dont support the leader of my country (even though blair has a partial brain unlike bush), i didnt vote for him, i voted liberal democrats.