Originally Posted by Machette
U.S.A and Britain installed the Shah as a dictator back in the 50's which was a highly oppressive regime..the reason you installed him you say? Because the PM before that wanted a cut of the oil profits but you couldn't give it to him, oust him instead and put up a puppet government. As far as history goes before that their was no anti-western hate until Ayatollah khomeini led a justifiable revolt against the Shah and led a anti-western approach in his policies. The CIA term "blowback" comes to my mind in this situation. Read your history before saying it ain't the United State's fault. The U.S has made mistakes in its foreign policy and they continue to do so.
It was a British company(The British Petroleum Company aka BP.) that controlled the oil in Iran. (The British government, at the impetus of Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, partly nationalised the company in 1913 in order to secure British-controlled oil supplies for its ships.) When Iran refused an offer for larger revenues(aka oil profits) but instead wanted controlling interest in the company itsself.(this is after already signing a 60 year agreement on the oil) Iran then decided to renig on the deal and nationalize the entire oil industry in Iran. That then totally fucked Iran because no one wanted to buy their oil and their export markets were closed to them and the plant was closed.
US had no hand in this problem at all until the UK came home crying to big brother that the big bad bully took his candy. The US's major concern was Iran getting chummy with then rival USSR and decide to intervene.
Originally Posted by elstatec
And unlike you i dont support the leader of my country (even though blair has a partial brain unlike bush), i didnt vote for him, i voted liberal democrats.
I also voted democrat in the last election. Do I agree with all of Bush's actions? No I don't. However I do see that action needed to be taken and will support him none the less.
Sadaam Hussein Attempted to invade and control another country and was beaten back. He then was killing his own people who he determined "non superior"
Last guy that did that was named Hitler when he decided to invade and control several countries, bomb the living shit out of the UK, and exterminated millions of Jews(which I guess you believe is also a myth now, seeing your new found support for Iranian govt.)
None of the Pussy UN countries were crying then when we were bailing there ass out then.
At the point and time the UN is a complete joke.