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Default 01-16-2006, 12:02 AM

[quote:6d150]Sadaam Hussein Attempted to invade and control another country and was beaten back. He then was killing his own people who he determined "non superior"

Last guy that did that was named Hitler when he decided to invade and control several countries, bomb the living shit out of the UK, and exterminated millions of Jews(which I guess you believe is also a myth now, seeing your new found support for Iranian govt.)

None of the Pussy UN countries were crying then when we were bailing there ass out then.

Comparing Iraq to the second world war effort againt Nazi Germany shows just how fucking dumb you are.

And the particular point of contention in the over throw of the Iranian Government was the nationisation of the Oil Companies, and dont think the US had no hand in this and just did it as a favour as after they threw over the government the BP Oil company lost alot of its monopoly on the oil to guess who? 5 major US oil companies, that then operated in Iran so dont try to make it sound so fucking innocent the US had more to gain from over throwing them hence they are the ones that did it.

Im up at nearly 6am because suffer from insomnia and i cannot stop playing mario sunshine.

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