Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by c312
Iraq invaded for other reasons as well, reasons that prominent libs acknowledged before the war started, so don't think go around yelling that George Bush is a liar, it's not valid as far as I am concerned.
prominent libs are not good enough, Bush himself and other major people in government clearly laid out they were going there for WMDs, then when none were found oh well they went there to free the Iraqi people, spare me the bullshit and excuses.
And pussies because they actually try to resolve things legally through the UN rather than getting impatient and invading a country for the wrong reason then fucking it up? Please sleeping:
freeing the iraq people was on the list of reasons before we went in.
no, pussies because they try to be so idealistic like a disney movie that they refuse to acknowledge anything needs to be done.
If things are legal through the UN, why aren't you bitching about how the UN is going to get involved over Iran? I don't understand how you use the UN as a standard on Iraq but not on Iran now.
I do believe the UN is the right way to go if they believe they have a problem, but there isnt, it is the Countries like US, UK, Russia, Germany whining to the UN where whatever happens will happen, but I dont believe they should as Sanctions will do nothing but harm the Iran population and make Oil prices go up, when Iran hasnt done anything wrong in the first place. And if the UN was used properly before Bush side stepped it maybe they might of found out there were no fucking WMDs in the first place, meaning no war, meaning no lies, meaning no loss of life.
Originally Posted by Nyck
Iran already makes more than enough energy to sustain its country as it is. there is no need for nuclear energy.
stfu you have no proof of this, and like many other countries Iran has a right to go after energy that doesnt involve fossil fuels.
And the whole hitler-saddam thing i wont even argue about as it is just so astronomically stupid that i cannot take you serious.