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Default 01-16-2006, 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by "elstatec":23a75
Iran hasnt done anything wrong in the first place.
eek: ed: stupid:

Saying something is a bit different then doing something, you know like saying you are invading Iraq for WMDs then, oh no actually saying you invaded for regime change sleeping:
Yeah, ok. Whe a country says, "I'm gonna bomb the hell out of you until your existance is over."...doesn't that ring off a bell that something may not be right. And they HAVE done numerous things...such as disregarding the UN in the first place.
Gotta love when people put some much faith in the UN yet don't care when people ignore it. ie: Iraq, Iran, etc.

And once again, WMDs was not the only reason we wanted to invade Iraq, other reasons were given BEFORE we invaded![/quote:23a75]

Iran ignoring it as they have will be dealt with, but ignoring the UN and illegally invading Iraq like the Coalition forces did is not the way unlike your feable mind believes.

And these WMDs that didnt exist were the major conflict issue as to Iraqs invasion, maybe Oil aswell but heck i dont see America invading North Korea, Zimbabwe, China etc for regime change to free their oppressed populations, spare me the bullshit.

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