Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Nyck
Can we just change this to America fucking sucks omg they should die forum. FFS I bet the fucking government is monitoring this fucking forum due to the high volume of anti-american bullshit that flies out of everyones mouth.
These are all political debates - Until the U.S is no longer the world's foremost superpower, leading the global media, and fighting a bunch of wars - You'll have to expect that people are going to be talking alot about your country, and alot of it will be heated.
I think you'll find that if you read these debates most of the arguing is in no way Anti-American, and infact, anti-american government (which is valid for non-americans to debate when it is a foreign policy issue and directly effects other countries)...
I personally became sick of people trying to turn it into an anti-american debate long ago - But I still get even more pissed off at people whining about non-americans being anti-american when in the vast majority of cases they are not. If you can't deal with your countries government's decisions being picked apart, then vote for someone who is a total isolationist and wants nothing to do with anyone outside of the U.S....And most definitely do not post in here....You'll only add to the problem, and up the amount of america-hating which is now probably at an all time low for these forums. (Thank god).
I realize this but almost every discussion is laid solely on the US. It was the EU who wanted to bring sanctions on Iran, the US supported it, but now suddenly its the US who is doing it all. You have Tony Blair who supports the US in its efforts in Iraq, Yet its all americas fault because they went to war over "lies" Unfortunantly yes there was mis information, but I still see this effort as one that should have been done 15 years ago in the 1st Gulf War. the acts that Sadaam committed then were reason enough to remove him. So if anything shame on the US for taking this long.
If anything shame on the US government for taking so long to take care of the Sadaams and Bin Laden. Clinton himself signed the order for the capture or assassination of Bin laden for his part in the 1998 bombings of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya and the bombing of the USS Cole, which he is shown to be connected with unlike being just a suspect of 9/11
IMO Bush is just taking out some long over due trash.