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Default 01-16-2006, 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by c312
Originally Posted by elstatec
no you stfu dumbass, yes it is wrote only 12 days and i fully realised that fool, its the articles look at previous conflicts/scenearios in the area compared to the oil prices and that is what im highlighting.

Still doesnt explain at all why Iran should not be allowed nuclear energy which this is truely about even with your efforts to go offtopic and make the Iraq war justifiable sleeping:
you are the one who started on Iraq, not me, i was only replying to your claim that the current war in Iraq was for oil. You gave me evidence about the past in which oil prices went down even though during the current war they have increased.

/Iraq subject
actually under the 'Oil Price Movements During a Crisis' in that article it explains situation where the oil increases price.

/Iraq subject

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