Thread: homework
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Unknown_Sniper is Offline
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Default 01-18-2006, 11:48 PM

As a Freshman; Get your work done, learn to pace yourself and get used to the highschool style of things. Also relax you're in highschool!
As a sophmore; Relax a little more, take some harder classes, Maybe have some Standardised testing(at least out here we did). And relax
As a junior; Live it up, Its your last year of really hard work. You are almost a senior. Take SAT's and all that shit and relax
As a Senior; You are expected to slack. Every teacher I had senior year said we would and everyone did. It just happens. Also enjoy those free blocks you have. Continue to get your work done and get into college.
You are only a freshman, unless you have some serious aspirations in life why are you worrying about college so early? Im not exactly a great role model but I didnt worry about college until around december of my Senior year. Then I looked at one school, loved it and I wish I never graduate here. I love this place. Im not saying dont look, but dont stress college yet.
Yes homework sucks. But trust me 6 hours of homework is NOTHING. Staying up until 11 is NOTHING compared to some college work. Ive worked 12 hours straight on just one project last semester 9pm-9am just to meet the deadline. Im sure your homework is tiring, but its highschool and the absolute worst that could happen to you is you get lower grades and teachers ask you if anythign is wrong. When you get to college if you fuck up in a class, congrats you just blew a few grand for an F. IF you fail too many classes goodbye your out on your ass.
Take my advice and dont over stress in highschool. I saw too many people tear themselves apart because of their work. Remember its not the assignment thats important, Its the things you learn doing the assignment that are imporant.
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