Originally Posted by Nyck
ya I don't even know why your dad signed you up for that shit, you're just gonna be a worthless piece of shit when you grow up anyways.
lol, sorry, but thats kinda ironic. You're really LIVING THE LYFE Nyck, you know? You have a great jop as an office cronie, a splendid home in the PARADISE thats Massachusetts, and not only that, you spend all your free time watching stupid fucking videos all day long while your ass melts over its chair. Man, you're one helluva guy.
Yah, I dunno, I'm switching schools next year, and I'll still be the in the IB thing, and they have like 10X more classes to choose from, unlike where I'm at now which isnt even remotely close to my neighborhood, is so poor for art we're making sculptures out of printer paper, and has nothing but mexicans.