Thread: homework
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Default 01-19-2006, 08:01 PM

The more I think about it the more I realize that a workload like blitz has is certain death for your average highschool freshman, yet by senior year its average work.
reading <100 pages a night is lucky once you move up to college. I have had readings from one class that stretch 60-80 pages per night. And when you have three professors that think you have it easy you tend to get lots of work like that. This is where previous advice of "finding loopholes" comes in. You need ot learn to manipulate people, lie, cheat, get things done easy. By the end of highschool I was putting out 5 page papers while asleep. You just have to be able to do it without thinking. OH and once I figured out the secret of essay formats SUCK, I got better grades. I never stuck to those fucking formats.
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