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Default 01-20-2006, 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by elstatec
Originally Posted by c312
you don't have to be american to understand that the US, the UK, and Israel are in drastically different situations than Iran. It''s the same reason why we don't give guns to felons. Sure, they might not use it for bad, but do you want to take that risk? And before you say that those other countries are criminals ask yourself, do you honestly think any of those countries would actually use nuclear weapons?

hell-fucking-lo hiroshima and nagasaki?

Iran are as right to have nuclear weapons to deter as Israel, US and UK do, even though they clearly stated they will not produce nuclear weapons, but oh well the lack of hearing around here.

And so what you are saying is that Iran is full of Felons? What do you make that assumption on? Idioticy? Dementia? US and UK have done far worse things to Iran than the other way around so think about that. And your patriotism doesnt really open your mind to how the world is outside of the capitalist bubble.
it's called an analogy, and you're an idiot for thinking this is the same as WWII. I'm with Coleman, this is stupid. Most of the world has the same opinion on this, even many European countries, I'm not gonna argue it with one person who has a different opinion.
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