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Eight Ace is Offline
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Default 01-21-2006, 02:28 PM

1. The entire islamic world are not members of Al Queda, so would not immortlaize him beyond your short sighted ignorance.

I didn't say the entire Islamic world is part of al qaeda, I said they would be ANNOUNCING it, don't you think that sort of news would get around, seeing as in your short sighted igorance you have dismissed any chance of an al qaeda cover-up of such an event?

2. I never said anything about Americans being Evil, i just said they are not exactly good either based on their foreign policies but thats another story.

Ooh sorry, it's just that your posts are those of an anti American pro Islamic fundamentalist fan boi.

3. If the Americans or whoever captured or killed him and chose to cover it up, and Al Queda thinks otherwise and so does the whole world then that is a covered up situation. But if he is killed but body found by Al Queda they would immortalize his martyrdom, and a cover up would not be possible by the Western whoever governments. It is a two or more different scenarios depending on how he is captured or found dead etc, dont mix them up as the same if you have mistaken to (sic).

LOL! the fuck would they "think otherwise"? you think he is just alone on a mountainside and could be captured or killed with his entourage, bodyguards etc "thinking otherwise"?

"..dudes, anyone seen osama?"
"yeah he went to the mall...but wait! that was like two months ago!1"
"omfg he's obviously been killed or captured, but let's think otherwise"

I'll repeat, al qaeda could cover up his death, whether it was by natural causes or missile strike or any situation where the capitalist dogs have no way of confirming anything.

Capitalist dogs on the other hand would have a very hard time killing or capturing him whilst all those around him "thought otherwise".
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