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Wolf-Man is Offline
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Default 09-01-2002, 04:19 AM

If you're having trouble with some of Allied Assault's missions, or just want to experiment, there are a number of cheat codes you can use. Before you can use these codes, however, you'll have to do two things first:

Create a special shortcut to run the game from.
Save a game and reload it.

The easiest way to create your shortcut is to make a copy of the one Allied Assault creates for you, or edit your shortcut directly. Once you've found your shortcut, right-click on it and choose "Properties". In the "Target" area (after mohaa.exe), enter the following:
+set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set developer 1

So it will look something like;
"c:\Program Files\EA Games\Mohaa\mohaa.exe" +set cheats 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set developer 1

Pay attention to the inverted commas.
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