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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 01-24-2006, 12:00 PM

[quote:5a9ce]Agreed. They took away half of a man's life: regardless of how well the state tried, it should now offer compensation. TGB, how would you feel if your ass had been locked up for 24 years and told that you would get nothing for all the lost time and memories ? You can post anything you want on this forum, but we all know the real answer to that question...[/quote:5a9ce]

The above emotional appeal has nothing to do with my assessment of the justice system. Your arguing rhetoric - of course I'd be pissed if I was convicted of a crime I didnt commit; and be even MORE pissed if I didnt get money I felt I was "deserved" - but the state is under no obligation to give me anything, and if I sued, barring state misconduct, I wouldnt get jack. To suggest this man is "owed" something, would suggest that at the original trial, there was the belief or thought that "hey - we're sentencing an innocent man to prison". If that can be shown - then I'll ride that train with the rest of you cats.
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