Originally Posted by Tystnad
Originally Posted by Milla
Originally Posted by HeadUp
that is a sweet site man
although it looks like they just sell the absolute top o the line for the full price too, and atm i am completely broke loney:
and as for the safety not being on........nuts
a little cheaper. just as good.
PS fuck you i want a G19 so god damn bad. I just shipped my M4 out to the buyer today. So once the money hits my bank account i will be buying the Classic ARmy M4
Dude, I went for the G17 instead, with all metal slide and outer barrel to go with it.
Final weight comes in at around a kilo. the_finger:
i have a USP compact, im about to get a shooters design slide for it those slides make the weapon heavier and SO much more reaslistic looking.