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Default 01-26-2006, 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by c312

or she was a doctor there. She said she was a psychologist, Hurley could recognize her from when he was a patient...
Ya, it could be that. I hope it isn't that straightforward though, I hope they twist it in some way. I'd like to see more of her that's for sure, because a) she's cute, b) the actress playing her is quite good, and c) the character has a lot of potential.

Originally Posted by elstatec
whatever happened to jack's father's body?
No-one knows.

Originally Posted by Zoner
Renamed thread. You don't need to type in small text anymore. Spoil away.

Interesting theory about the mental hospital. I thought something was fishy when she was talking about Hurley stepping on her foot on the plane yet Hurley didn't recall doing it.

Yeah that whole getting naked in the hatch thing was to break Hurley's train of thought. She's hiding something. eek:

Other thoughts...

* This episode was laden with theological references:

Aaron in the water = Moses.
Charlie's dad in one of the flashbacks chopping the head off a baby doll = King Herod?
Charlie's vision of Verrocchio's 'The Baptism of Christ' (if you watched in HD you would have seen the drug plane come in from the left and crash behind the trees during that part)
The fire Charlie started = the burning bush.

* Locke came across to me as slightly more sinister than usual.

* Eko was putting marks on trees, the trees he "liked". I wonder what that's all about?

* No Lost next week. It's a repeat of "Numbers" from season #1. loney:
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