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Default 01-26-2006, 04:31 PM

The thing that makes me choose the Glock over the Sig... Or heck, most 9mm's on the market, is the fact that its lot more resistant. For example, the swedish military 9mm ammo, called 39 Bravo, packs a lot more punch than the regular 9mm in the civil market.

Why, you might ask? Well, the army wanted the 9mm to still be able to shoot through the engine blocks on cars, with a pistol. Hence, they kept the SMG ammo that was used for the CG m/45. And since the police gun of that time (Sig P228, which they still use), couldnt take more than about 6000 rounds of the army 9mm (after that, the slide began to crack), they started looking for a gun that would withstand the harder bullet and bigger pack of gunpowder, and ended up with Glock 17. The pilots of the airforce later on adopted Glock 19, since it had a smaller frame, but still packed just as much of a punch as the 17.

And thats why you should go for the Glock, and not the Sig; It wont brake that easily.

And why the fuck did I write all that...?

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