Originally Posted by Arkan
Originally Posted by cmelton
I have shot several thousand rounds through my gp-100 and have not have that problem. You must have abnormal sized hands or an unorthidox shooting grip. Whatever works for you though. The gp-100 is a fun gun to shoot, especially at range of around 100 yards.
Ok, a few questions. When you shoot your GP-100, what ammo you feeding through it? Are you sticking with .357 ammo or .38? Also, what made you decide to get this gun over the Smith 686 or the Colt King Cobra?
As for my hand size, i believe it's normal but my grip seems to ride high on this gun with the factory grips.
I dont know his answer but Ill give you a good reason. Rugers Transfer bar system makes the gun safe from misfiers if dropped. The transfer bar must be raised in order for the firing pin to strike the primer. The only way to raise the transfer bar is to cock the gun (either single or dbl action) the S&W 686 has a protruding pin on its hammer so if dropped it can go off. That is why many people carry a wheel gun with the hammer resting on an empty chamber