I agree Stammer, the way campaigning has changed over the last century or so makes it harder for poor people to get elected. My point is that people who get elected can come from anywhere in America and have completely different backgrounds.
My main point was that the Presidential role was created to be one that is not held as more important than common citizens, otherwise he would become like a king. Therefore, to expect him to be able to speak better than everyone else is stupid. Granted, he should be able to speak well in certain occassions for different purposes, but I don't think it's that big of a deal. He doesn't totally bomb during the State of the Union and he has tons of speeches that he's done well, you only see the ones he messes up.
Originally Posted by elstatec
people of intelligence should be in power, then they would not fuck up so much with foreign affairs for example, and I do believe Bush's lack of being able to put a sentance together does not make the people who voted for him look very....clever as to say.
so who should we put into power? the other option was John Kerry, who had lower grades than Bush through most of their college years.
So are you saying that if you were to mispeak , the people who still understood you and agreed with you are stupid? I guess what I'm trying to say is, how does screwing words up (sometimes) under pressure in front of large audiences make him stupid? Hell, most people here would do the same thing yet we wouldn't consider ourselves stupid...