Thread: Dorm drama...
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Dorm drama...
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Default Dorm drama... - 02-03-2006, 05:08 PM

Ok, everyone knows it was Thirsty Thursdays last night. I was working on a paper till 3am. People came back and were in the room drunk bothering me. I finished it by 3:30am and had to hand it in for a 10:10am class.. I saw 2 of my roomates go to bed. THe other one was down the hall getting high (like he usually does) and then he usually comes in around 6am.

So I wake up and go over ot my computer. I see there is a brown substance on the one chair. The fuckface that went and got high didn't fucking lock the door last night. I yell over to john at 9am, "What the fuck is this?! Is this shit?!?!?" So I examined it more and was pretty pissed off to find out it was indeed shit. Someone came in the room last night and shit on his chair and got some on his nice shirt. So we chucked the chair in the hallway until we could clean it.

I went to the room across the way to print out my paper before class. I sit in his chair and was worried about sitting in crap. I double-checked even though it did smell a little like poop. (they're room always smell bad like BO b/c they're pretty lazy and messy guys). So I print out my document and go off to class.

I come back around 11:30/12:00. We're trying to think who the fuck would shit in our room. We actually thought it was the kid across the hall (the one with the printer in the room) because he sort of has a sick sense of humor. But then the kid came running out of his room and said, "YOU KNOW WHY IT WASN'T ME? TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!" There was a HUGE shit log on his sandal and some piss on his chair. So his room did have shit in it when I was at his computer. It was cooking in there all night long.

Here's the odd part. We found someone's boxers in the room next to the duece. We had no idea who's they were so our best guess is that they are the perpetrator's. We had them out in the hall b/c it was soiled in piss. 10 mins later we go out in the hall to look at them....they go missing. Someone must have realized their boxers were in the hallway and took them back.

So now we're trying to figure out who did this sick joke cry: I took pictures.

Warning: The pictures contain feces and boxers.

The whole thing was kinda funny until we discovered the large log...

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