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TGB! is Offline
Command Sergeant Major
Posts: 2,644
Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 02-06-2006, 08:43 PM

[quote:3e0e9]Americans have not grabbled the idea of the military industrial complex, and its really unfortunate.[/quote:3e0e9]

Yes yes, TOO BAD Americans dont think like you Machette - if only they did theyd be SOOOO much better off. The mantra of the Moral-Thought-Police-Facist.

The defense budget has ALWAYS been a priority of EVERY administration - even when Clin-T0N reduced it, it STILL took precedence.

We thank you for your input into the financial affairs of the United States government, but millions of employed Americans, and lawful R&D companies kindly request you save the sanctimonious preening for local poli-sci meetups.

Thanks a bunch.
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