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Command Sergeant Major
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Default 02-06-2006, 09:37 PM

[quote:e6c32]I'm just saying Americans need to stop this military industrial complex from getting out of hand[/quote:e6c32]

Why? Dont just play lipservice with buzzwords and opinions you read on the back of Socialist Weekly - WHY.

[quote:e6c32]which is what Eisenhower warned you guys in his farewell address.[/quote:e6c32]

Oh please - there is NOTHING inherintly wrong with legitimate R&D facilities, and companies like LOCKHEED MARTIN pimping their wares to CONGRESS and the US Government. If you can however prove that the Boogey Man Iron-Triangle IS at its core BAD - then sure you have a point. Right now you dont, and in fact - as I said - you are arguing about MILLIONS losing their jobs, and stunting technological progress. But hey - war is bad.

Oh and, EISENHOWER didnt warn against letting the defense industry balloon to what it is today - he warned against it becoming the fourth arm of government. There IS a difference.

[quote:e6c32]cutting important programs such as education, health etc.[/quote:e6c32]

No its not.

[quote:e6c32]Are these not important programs or is building a bomb or a fighter jet?[/quote:e6c32]

Youre comparing apples in oranges in relation to the United States FEDERAL budget. One dollar turned over to the Defense Budget isnt one dollar taken away from Education, health, etc.

[quote:e6c32]So let's all go to war![/quote:e6c32]

Always there with an empty gesture, a meaningless retort - who loves ya baby.
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