02-06-2006, 10:58 PM
[quote:26478]Why are you so sensitive to the whole thing? Do i owe you anything? Did my ancestors own yours as slaves? Thats the way you're acting.[/quote:26478]
Seriously - how much lotion do you go through a month ointmenting the knuckles you drag on the ground. You WOULD like to make this an issue so asinine as the usual "Hey whitey - your people used my mama as cotton pickers!". That speaks volumes about your lack of ability to look at the situation.
[quote:26478]Grow up asshat, it's only a word.[/quote:26478]
Oh really - so youll give me a plane ticket so I can say whatever the fuck I want to your wife and kid? Just words yea?
[quote:26478]Perhaps you could explain why "most" (of course i can't say all) black people i know use that word like it's nothing.[/quote:26478]
I dont care - they arent you are they?
[quote:26478]If you don't like me and/or think i'm racist, why don't you just come out and say it and stop beating around the bush?[/quote:26478]
I didnt think you were a racist - just a damn fool.
[quote:26478]now wtf is up with that[/quote:26478]
He called her a "bitch" - since when is "bitch" a racially connotative term? Youd deserve to get your ass kicked if you responded with that.