i love how you try to defend the US nuclear weapon stock pile nyck as if it was a nascar or something you hold dear to you, i mean do you forget how wrong these weapons are and how they affect innocent people like those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But "yeaa--hawww" if America can have such newer weapons and have such a dumb bitch with the power to use them leading your country, then middle eastern countries and others should be allowed to aswell. Double standards.
oh and nyck the UK has way way way wayyyy less nuclear weapons than the US so dont even go there tool, i mean fuck china only has 400 hake:
Declared nuclear weapons:
Country Warheads active/total*
United States 5,735/9,460
United Kingdom <200
(edited other countries out.)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_co ... ar_weapons
So if Iran ever do want 1 nuclear weapon (even though they do not or will not) i dont think a country with over 6000 can say shit.
Double standards.
Double standards.
Double standards.
oh yea israel aswell
Double standards.
Double standards.
Double standards.