02-07-2006, 01:18 PM
1st off you and me are oil and water. Every single response from you is something laced with an insult(what in the fuck does Nascar have to do with anything) if anyone disagrees with you thats the first thing you do, you insult them, so grow the fuck up.
second of all this entire article talks about how 2 companies our trying to create a new prototype which may or may not even be used. If they can make a weapon that is easier to maintain and can be deactivated/destroyed if someone who shouldnt have one does get one. How is that Bad? They never stated about making A MILLION MORE SUPER POWERFUL BOMBS. The article doesnt state at all about making a more powerful bomb, just making it easier to maintain/deactivate. Jesus H Christ get off your high horse, pull you head out of your ass and stop screaming double standard this, Iran that, whaaa whaa whaa
Third, How the fuck do you know "such a dumb bitch with the power to use them leading your country," WHAT THE FUCK. You can tell whos going to be running the country in 25 to 30 years..My God man you have a gift. Guess what, President Bush's presidency ends in 2008, He would be a distant memory before these weapons would be able to be produced(if at all, again its a race to make a DESIGN for it)
Forth I said the UK because guess where they got their design, helping the US during the Manhattan Project, we are also allies, so of course they are gonna want/get the new design if its produced. I said nothing about them building a stockpile like the US(again putting words in my mouth)
fifth I'm amazed at how well you know the Iranian Government and all of its plans, so much so that you are POSITIVE, they have no desire for a nuclear weapon and that all their intentions are very innocent and well.
sixth again you mistrew fact cause you have this huge fucking BLAME USA for everything set of blinders on. It was Europe that pushed for sanctions against Iran, of course the USA backed them, along with Russia and China who are "allies" with Iran. So what does that tell you. Whos to say this nutjob wouldnt have started dropping nukes on Denmark and other parts of Europe for this whole cartoon ordeal. These people have no fear of death, so what if they got nuked back, they fufilled their duty to allah