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Default 02-07-2006, 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by Machette
How can you say that c312, that Afghanistan is facing problems because of the removal of the Taliban...Have you ever looked/read anything about the history of Afghanistan? They have been conquered more times than anyone can count. But in the 1900's things clearly got worse, the British and Russians fighting over Afghanistan for "the great game" did Afghanistan no good. When the communist party took the lead in afghanistan everyone was equal, women were not opressed by the sahria law and many other equality that no one saw before..and then when freedom fighters started getting funded by you know who everything went worse then it was before. After the war there ended, another civil war took place in the 1990's. This country is beyond messed. But things have not gotten any better, just like the article describes. And to say the terrorists are gone their is a laughable notion. 2 weeks ago a canadian diplomat and 3 soldiers were struck by a suicide bomber, the diplomat died and the 3 soldiers are in critical care and 1 of them is possibly going to die...and more attacks are carried out daily, that is just one example. The terrorists are still there and will continue to stay, unfortunately.

Also on a side note it's funny how when you look at what afghanistan democracy has become, all the members of parliament who hold seats more than half are war lords or taliban officials or opium runners....
They have a basis of human rights, much more can be built from that foundation than one without them.
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