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Default 02-07-2006, 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by c312
what EVIDENCE do you have that the defense contractors had any part in generating the War in Iraq?
if you check my post i didnt say anything about the defence contractors generating the War in Iraq.

but that they are benefiting from it and that is questionable.

'There are also uncomfortably cosy ties between the government and the defence industry. Mr Rumsfeld''s oldest friend, Frank Carlucci, a former defence secretary himself, now heads the Carlyle Group, an investment consortium which has a big interest in the contracting firm United Defense.

Carlyle''s board includes George Bush Sr and James Baker, the former secretary of state. One programme alone "the Crusader artillery system" has earned Carlyle more than $2bn in advance government contracts. Carlyle''s European chairman is John Major, who may have played a role in the Ministry of Defence''s controversial recent decision to declare Carlyle the "preferred bidder" for a stake in its scientific research division.'[/quote:e7fba]
2002 but still relevent to the point and still on subject.

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