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So I'm going to Germany.
duncey is Offline
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Default So I'm going to Germany. - 02-10-2006, 10:34 PM

Well, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. It's going to be a 10 day trip in total. We're probably going to end up walking through Lichtenstein (it's about a mile wide... pshh).

The highlight of the trip is visiting the Neuschwanstein Castle, aka Castle of Crazy Ludwig, aka Disney Castle. If you don't know, the Neuschwanstein Castle is the castle that Disney based basically they're whole company on.

Disney Castle: [img][/img]

Neuschwanstein Castle:
[img][/img] ... 0x1200.jpg ... nstein.jpg ... 00clem.jpg

It's going to be amazing. We're visiting MANY places, including, of course, Neuschwanstein Castle, a couple of concentration camps, the huge "ferris wheel" in Vienna, and many others. We're going to be doing everything there is to do, from disco dancing, to watching an orchestra. EDIT: Coma ruined my dreamsto see real life titties.

Speaking of we're... I'm going with my school. My german teacher decided to put this one. 19 kids and my german teacher and her mother are going. We're traveling with EF Tours. We're going to have 2-3 "chaparone" type guides, they will spend all 8 and a half days while we're there with us.

I live my school on Thursday, February 16th, at about 9-10:00 in the morning. We will take a 4 hour bus ride (COACH BUSES! w00t!) to New York, and from New York, we will take a 7-7 1/2 hour plane ride to Salzburg, Austria.

Anybody ever been to Germany before?

I'm fucking PSYCHED!
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