Originally Posted by Nyck
Originally Posted by "Cpt. Obvious":f0480
[url=http://img141.imagevenue.com/img.php?loc=loc91&image=e4298_Scarlett_Keira.Vanit yFair_2006_03.jpg:f0480]Vanity Fair cover with Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley[/url:f0480]
Rachel McAdams was also supposed to be in it, but she got made about being naked and stormed out. Thats why the dude Tom Ford jumped in the picture
wtf, rachel mcadams already dude a nude scene in a film. Wtf is she so worried about?[/quote:f0480]
no clue, I guess since shes "famous" now she said that she wouldnt do it