Thread: arguements
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Default 02-19-2006, 11:41 PM

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by yves
Pyro what about the asian(chinese or whatever) that helped or did the railroads? also some blacks were immigrants......and why dont they have assemblies for white people?

This country is made almost of immigrants, from the first ppl taht came here; irish, germans, russians....or even the why say minorities/immigrants should not have assemblies? When most of us are descendants from immigrants...

stackem...did you see what i wrote about the national black anthem? someone said why call it the national "black" anthem? arent they separating themselves just by saying that?
Comparing a few thousand chinese railroad workers to millions of african SLAVES is a bit... oOo: say the least.

Yeah, your country is made up of immigrants. The thing that makes african-americans stand out is the fact that they came over as SLAVES not immigrants. They had no choice.

What the fuck are they teaching you in school? annoy:
We are taught that the holocaust was a huge hoax and that black people should be paid money from our gov't because of their previous suffering

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