Originally Posted by c312
marijuana is only illegal for NFL players because it's illegal in the United States. It's a controlled substance so the NFL restricts it's players from using it as a way of keeping their players in line. This is the same with lots and lots of companies. Home Depot tests its workers for drug use...they are employing you, and the expect you not to break any laws while doing so, I think that's fair.
So, what next? My mother is going to legally be allowed to check my g/f's vagina for semen to make sure I've been wearing a condom simply be because SHE doesn't TRUST me?
I believe it's not in the employeers priority to test employees for drugs. If you let more and more companies do things like this, not only does marijuana become less and less accepted in society but it becomes a modern day witch hunt. Punishment would worsen for marijuana "crimes" in a society like that.
I really disagree with testing for marijuana in the work place, unless there is hard evidence that it actually is effecting the work of the people in question. It's overstepping the boundary of trust between people that you just have to have in a functioning society.