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Re: Planet Medal of Honor has a new site director, me
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Default Re: Planet Medal of Honor has a new site director, me - 02-21-2006, 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by rudedog
..Some of the newer guys won't know who the hell I am but the older MOH guys from will. ...
You are being modest. Rude is the great and all powerful. I credit rudedog for getting me involved in online gaming (not sure he knows that). I played online a few times and was getting tired of all the crap that went on - then I found rude's server and discovered you could play online on a server that wasn't full of language that would make a sailor blush and that was cheat free ... and the rest is history.

Congrats Rude ... those PMOH guys are a good bunch. We used to have MOHSH matches with them all the time. And they used to have a team that played with us in The Honor League. Their server could not be in better hands.