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Madmartagen is Offline
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Default 02-26-2006, 01:45 PM

whats with all the 'if shes pregnant, deal with it' responses? you 'pro lifers' force your moral opinions on other people about how life is sacred, but then cut funding for mothers who cant afford to raise kids - precisely why they wanted the abortion in the first place. a woman getting an abortion doesnt affect your life in any way, so why does your opinion matter? why do people feel like they can express some opinion on someone elses life, when it is none of their business? you think a zygote, embryo or some fertilized egg is a human being or it has some kind of ghostly spirit, but maybe the mother doesnt. maybe she doesnt believe in that shit and maybe, just maybe, she doesnt have the same moral opinions that you do. maybe you should worry about your own affairs and keep your noses out of other peoples business. i find it so hypocritical that guys on this forum say that she shouldnt have sex if she cant plan for the consequences, when you dont even take into consideration the large amount of single mothers out there caused by dead beat dads.. condoms and birth control arent 100% effective, and using contraceptives shows - IMO a clear attempt in avoiding pregnancy. Just because a girl gets pregnant and wants an abortion doesnt mean that she was banging a ton of guys w/o any protection; and even if she was, youre gonna tell me that she should be forced to have a baby? for what reason? what possible reason could be valid to force another person to raise a kid that they arent ready mentaly or financially to care for? If youre gonna tell someone that they cant have an abortion because it insults your grande moral character than you should adopt a kid every year. Im shocked at how many orphans and poor kids in the world there are today given the VAST amount of morally superior people in this country - many of which also just happen to be adament gun and death penalty supporters.

i would also like to point out that if it werent for women and the sexual freedoms they have today, NONE of you kids would be getting laid today as well as the old timers who wouldnt have gotten any pie back in the days. keep that in mind next time you think that girls shouldnt be having sex if they and they alone arent willling to accept the consequences.
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