Originally Posted by ninty
I would consider myself extremly versed in this subject, probably moreso than anyone else on this board as far as I can tell.
I never reasearched this as such, I've read a bit and I wonder, seeing as this attack did so much to create
a rift between islam and the west, do you know if any of these theories explain why people who are linked
to al qaeda or militant islam didn't and still don't deny responsibility? but in fact claim it, and also seem to
know all about the planning and the people who carried it out.
for example I know bin laden is called an American invention due to US support during the Afghan/Soviet
conflict, but these theories would seem to insinuate that that all of "al qaeda" is in the pay of America..?
They all seem to support each others stories still, what do you know about that aspect of events?